modern-day illness
現代病{げんだい びょう}
modern day illness
modern day
: {形} :
: {形} : 今日の
on the first day of the illness
: 発病{はつびょう}した最初{さいしょ}の日に
founder of the modern-day olympics
: 近代{きんだい}オリンピックの創始者{そうし しゃ}
modern day equivalent of
modern day pompeii
: ポンペイの現代版{げんだいばん}
modern day version
modern-day equivalent of
: ~の現代版 You mean it's the modern equivalent of the mattress.
modern-day version
: 現代版{げんだいばん}
to put it in modern-day language
: 今の言葉{ことば}で言えば
one of the foremost artists of the modern day
: 現代一流{げんだい いちりゅう}の画家{がか}
see someone as a modern-day pioneer
: (人)を現代{げんだい}の開拓者{かいたくしゃ}ととらえる
stay in bed for a day or two during an illness
: 病気{びょうき}で1~2日の間寝つく
position oneself as a modern-day teddy roosevelt
: 自らを現代{げんだい}のテディ?ルーズベルトと位置付ける{いちづける}
"modern world history" 意味
"modern world-system" 意味
"modern world-system theory" 意味
"modern-day" 意味
"modern-day equivalent of" 意味
"modern-day version" 意味
"modern-dress" 意味
"modern-language studies" 意味
"modern-looking" 意味
"modern-day" 意味
"modern-day equivalent of" 意味
"modern-day version" 意味
"modern-dress" 意味
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